Make an Impact!
What is YOUR message? And how far do YOU want to take it?
- You have a unique message that only you can deliver. Make sure that your message is heard, accepted and acted upon.
- It is essential that you package and deliver your unique message like a PRO -- be it a presentation for 10 people or for 10,000.
- Laura Baxter brings together over 25 years of knowledge of how your voice, your body language and your mindset affects how you persuade your audience. Let this experience work for YOU!
Think Global, Act Global, Go Global!
- Board Meetings, Press Conferences, YouTube Videos -- the modern business world is Global, and that means giving impressive presentations in English - even when it isn't your native language.
- Together with Laura Baxter you will master moving and motivating your international audience!
Your Success is my goal.
What keeps you awake at night?
- Acocording to a recent study by Effectory International, 3 out of every 4 employees in Europe is unhappy in his or her workplace to the point of wanting to leave or to actively work against his or her employer. One of the main causes of this dissatisfation and disengagement is poor communication within teams, whether it be from not feeling respected or valued by peers or supervisors or from personality conflicts with other members of the team.
- We work together with you to greatly increase postive engagement and to improve relationships and communication within your organisation.
- The Dealing with Divas and other Difficult Personalities program ensures that not only will your working environment improve, but you will also reach your common goals more quickly and efficiently!