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Enthusiastic Participants!


Ich habe in meinem Leben schon viele Speaker gehört, meist tolle Entertainer, aber inhaltlich oft bescheiden. Laura Baxter (kennengelernt auf einer Gabal Veranstaltung am 02.07. in Nürnberg) sticht hier deutlich hervor. Nicht nur, weil sie die Zuschauer hervorragend unterhalten kann. Gerade ihre Inhalte sind sehr wertvoll und praktisch schnell umsetzbar. Man erkennt sofort, dass in Laura eine hoch professionelle Trainerin steckt. Jederzeit wieder. Ich kann Laura Baxter nur wärmstens empfehlen.
— Daniel G. Bieber, StrategieMentoren GmbH


"I would like to share with you the feedback from the participants on your keynote speech and workshop: ‘Applause!' 'Unique personality! Super!’ ‘Wonderful Speaker, who mixed serious content with a lot of fun!’ ‘Very impressive woman!’ ‘Extraordinary personality!' 'Top Speaker ... more of that!' 'A very impressive woman!' Thank You for being there. "

— Karina Riechers, FORUM Institute for Management GmbH

“Laura Baxter is the first person I recommend to my clients who want to expand their speaking to the international level. Her knowledge of how to own the stage and meet the cultural and language challenges is second to none. She helps her clients master the stage with ease and be the star they are meant to be!”

— Greta Andreas, CEO, GoldenGap Speakers Agency

“Thank you for the wonderful seminar! My team learned so much about their presence and presentation skills, how to use their voice and how to create emotions in their audience!”

— Henning Schwartz, Siemens Project Manager

“If you are serious about your speaking business, you have to go international. That is where the big opportunities for your business are in terms of top-paying clients and expansion of your credibility. And when you choose a coach, choose the best. That is why I chose to work with Laura Baxter when I prepared my speech for the Main Stage of the Global Speakers Summit. As the first German speaker to speak there and really rock the GSS stage, Laura´s support was important for my success. I recommend her for anyone who wants to be successful on the international stage. “

— Martin Limbeck, CEO, Martin Limbeck® Der Hardselling-Experte

Meine Erfahrung im Rahmen einer Unternehmsbeschulung bei der VGF Frankfurt hinterließ einige tiefergehenden Eindrücke, derer ich mich immer wieder besinne, oder auch bewusst reaktiviere. Das "finden" meiner inneren Mitte, das Abschätzen von Situationen, die Interpretation der Körpersprache meines Gegenübers, haben durchaus einige Situationen anders verlaufen lassen, als sie "ursprünglich" hätten erfahrungsgemäß verlaufen können.

Die spielerische, lockere Art zur Vermittlung solches Wissens, zeigt einmal mehr, mit welchen Engagement, Enthusiasmus und Know How unsere Trainerin in Ihrer Aufgabe aufgeht. Es war ein Kurs, der das vermittelete Wissen eher in das Langzeitgedächtnis, als ins Kurzzeitgedächtnis schob.
Liebe Laura.. ich bedanke mich auf diesem Wege nochmals bei Dir, für diesen tollen Lehrgang, dass umfangreiche Wissen welches Du uns vermittelt hast, und die hoch sympathische Art, die Du an den Tag gelegt hast.
So steigert man das Interesse an Lehrgängen und ist gewillt, dem aufmerksamzu folgen, damit letztlich auch etwas hängen bleibt.
Weiter so und Merci bien......or Thanks a very very Lot.

— Andreas Schamberger, Stadt Frankfurt am Main

"I can recommend this training to everyone who wants to improve his or her presentation style. You reached each and every participant at his or her level, and the practical exercises and tips greatly benefitted us all. Many Thanks."

— Birgit Wilke, Managing Director, Wilke-Manaco

“Laura Baxter helped me fine-tune my speech for the American audience and showed me the secrets of captivating the audience, even when delivering the speech in a foreign language. As a result of our work together, I’m now feeling very comfortable giving presentations in english. I highly recommend working with amazing Laura if you’re considering going international!”

— Philipp Riederle, Speaker & Author, Wer wir sind, und was wir wollen

"Based on my experience in coaching with Laura Baxter, I highly recommend a voice or presentation training with her to anyone who is in the public eye! "

— Dr. Florian Rathe, M.D., Ph.D., D.D.S.

"At this point, once again many thanks for the great seminar. It was a lot of fun AND I learned a lot. I often think of the exercises and tips you gave us."

— Anne Hamann, Executive Management, Bayer AG

“Laura Baxter supported me before and during an important video shoot. I was really nervous and I had absolutely no experience either being on stage or speaking in front of a camera. With her great experience as an opera singer and speaker she taught me how to perform in a natural, authentic way. I learned how to control my voice and to find the right intonation. She accompanied me on the day of the shooting, and helped me a lot with her presence there. During the shooting to help it go more smoothly and quickly, she used little signals to remind me of the things we had practised beforehand. Thanks to her, everything worked fine, and I was really happy about the result. I can absolutely recommend her to everybody who needs to speak, present or perform in front of an audience, camera or stage. She is a real nice person with a lot of empathy and the very special mix of her wide experiences makes her a unique expert.”

— Sabine Prats, CEO,

The Voice for Leadership Trailer

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